
pump pump pump it up...

...pump that holiday spirit up! that's right bloggies, i just did that. i pulled out a cheer from the archive & changed the words to appropriately match my feelings! i'm not gonna lie, it's been a little difficult to keep our spirits up around here. to make things less offensive & pg, i will just say that it has to do with the fact that i am still posting from colorado & it's the 21st of december. at the last resort, i wanted to be on the road heading to the midwest by tomorrow. but...michael will still be working. yes, we are on our third, pretty unbearable at this point, week of him working 15 hour days! his scrooge of a boss is behind it, as you may have guessed already. and that's where i'm going to leave it...because believe me, the blog content will soon turn r-rated with what i have to say about him. and that is not the kind of person i am...in blogland ;) so, we are trying to make the best of it. because that's all we can do at this point now! and until we are "released" from this anti-holiday imprisonment, we must just. make. the. best. of. it.

so...we've been going on a lot of drives {oliver & i} while mike works. i've really tried to find some new areas to photograph for my weekly-themed flickr group. i even made {MADE} michael open his most exciting christmas present. he insisted no...but i insisted more 'yes'. it made me happy =) we've elfed ourselves. (click on elfed if you're not familiar) and we've just tried to keep laughing as much as we can...& since oliver has completely transitioned into a little boy, his funny personality is very humorous. so here he is being silly with me. he is a constant happy in my life, so at least i still get to surround myself with this silly man everyday while we await our trip back! excuse the up & down movement with the camera...i was trying to mimmick what we were doing with our heads.

oliver has been really interested in animals lately. so for the last couple of weeks, i've taught him a new animal noise. he's gotten down cow, puppy & now we're working on kitty "meow". mike was really impressed to see this last week when he was released & home earlier than 10pM. oliver still happened to be up, so we showed daddy our animal noises. he also has gotten used to watching me blow on his hot food. so now he blows on everything {hot} too. he's also come around to the birdies on his ceiling, hanging above his bed. he wasn't too interested in them at first. but now, every time he enters his room, he blows at them & waits for them to swirl around. here are some photos of how we've tried to keep the holiday spirit up...

watched it snow. which by the way...melts right away! we have no snow here!

mixed up some christmas cocktails.

tried to teach oliver how to properly use his lego man head lamp.

created light trails with the neighbors deer...& our christmas trees.

played in the snow.

hung out at paul & sonya's.
and dabbled in destroying their christmas tree.
which, by the way, he didn't even deconstruct, he left it alone,
except pulling this one, mitten ornament off. 

drank milk out of a mason jar with a straw...because mommy
forgot the sippy cup. 

decorated christmas cookies.

stumbled across some big-horn sheep on a drive outside of basalt.

 this is the view from the home michael is working on.
the ski lifts, literally run right above the road up there.

so...there you have it. we are stuck here, luckily still surrounded by beautiful surroundings to go explore. and midwest bloggies...we promise. we will be home! still just don't know when! happy holidays to all =)

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