
a semi-finished project.

so i had first reported my project of creating a little boy space in oliver's room on the 'luckyville' blog, but because i am transitioning that into my photog blog, i will report my progress here. i understand that they build houses quicker than i can complete a few aesthetic changes to a small room, but give me a break ;) my framemaker (michael) has now been sentanced to 12 hour days 6/possibly 7 days a week at work, until christmas. so i am not even going to urge him to finish his part of the job! i have, however, completed 2 of the 3 walls that i will unveil for you now. ps, the 4th wall has only been turned into the "bike shop" section of oliver's room. hosting two bikes on the ceiling...so...not much to report on there =) enjoy the before & afters!

1st wall before.

1st wall after.

that's right bloggies, twenty hand-folded origami birds by yours truly =)

2nd wall before.

2nd wall after.

the christmas tree is only seasonal, but he loves that thing on 24/7.
the birdy angel on top is his favorite =)

and that concludes our semi-finished project. i cannot wait for the third wall to be done!


  1. I love it! Funny though... that you choose my feathered friends! :) Love the blue with white birdies....

  2. The mystery of the origami birds has FINALLY been solved! Woo hoo! I'm so in love with Oliver's room, Leyna! What shade of blue did you use on that wall? I'm looking for a deep blue for Dirk's man cave.

    P.S. Can you send an invite to my new email address: libba.south@gmail.com ??

  3. yes. it is funny that i, me, scaredy cat of birds have so many fine feathered frenemies around. i thought that it would be a bit of an ode to oliver's uncle matt "bird" =)

  4. Leyna, I love, LOVE, L-O-V-E that BLUE! AND the oragami birds! It looks awesome. Great idea.
