
thirteen. mo.

so oliver has reached the thirteen month mark. and so, i thought it the appropriate month for this to be my official 'signing off' of reporting to you bloggies each month on oliver. remember our deal with thirteens... 
http://babyschweitzberger.blogspot.com/2009/10/lucky-number-13.html =)

i figured, i'll just tell stories at random as they happen, or report here or there of the madness that oliver has been slowly bringing to our lives. good madness, if such does exist. thank goodness for christmas cocktails at the end of the night, after he falls right to sleep at 7pM (sorry, i had to mention it!). we are pretty proud that we have transformed our sporatic sleeper/waker into a very good nighttime man. he takes two one-hour naps through the day & then. and after his last milk fest between seven - seven-thirty, he is ready to clock out. yahoooooo! and even more impressive, is that after his bottle, we brush teeth, read a story (that he typically doesn't have the time of night for), & just lay him in his bed. he heads right off to dreamland. no fussing. no crying. no nothing. just sweet sweet dreams. it is the greatest feeling. ever. well, it's up against the way you feel right after you deliver, but it's a close zen!

so, anyway. it's pretty much been a free-for-all around our house lately. oliver has gained his independence by walking around without support. he now opens doors, so there's no closing things off or keeping him contained. he gets up on & down off of the couches at his own leisure, so there has been some changing of the decor recently. the end tables in the living room are glass-covered (i hate them to begin with) & since he thinks they make a great pedestal for reaching the light switches...they had to go! i could only imagine his chunky little body falling through...eeehhh. don't even want to think about it! so they are gone. and the christmas tree. oh the tree that i just had to have up asap! well...it's slowly starting to become a fixture i am wanting to just throw out the door! all the lights are thrown back on after he pulls at them. the ornaments are all jammed up towards the top...& his three favorite things to do...splash in the water, pull ornaments off & let them float in the water & unplug the lights. well...last time i checked, mixing electricity, water & a baby...it's not your ideal combo. so, for the sake of harboring a safe environment for our child, i must play 'guard' whenever he is in the vicinity of that dang tree! oh next year...will it be better?! other than wreaking havoc on everything in sight & climbing everything elevated at minimum an inch off the ground, we've been pretty good around here. we've just about made it through our first week of michael working 12 hour days. not as bad as i had horrifically imagined in my head, but i'm not gonna lie, i am in need of a break =) so, off to do some snowshoeing this weekend, hopefully gathering some christmas/holiday/mid june-july card photos. ha! i can already tell i'm going to be a bad christmas card mama. you'll get it in your mailbox about july 13th. merry christmas in july! you know mike & i, we don't tend to be mainstream ;)

no tree skirt...well...it just gets in the way...& wet!

naughty or nice?
i'll let you be the judge ;)

1 comment:

  1. Greatest. post. ever.
    And congratulations! Tackling the night sleep thing and the ability to just tuck your baby in and walk away is... pretty perfect. I SO know how you feel!
    And I love, love, love your Christmas story thus far! Sooo naughty! ;) And it will get better. Each year just keeps getting better... and better....
