
oh my aching uterus!

for real...these false contractions are obnoxious! and what's worked in the past to get them to pass along is to chug about 18 glasses of water & sit down...in doing so, i decided that i might as well share my current condition with you bloggies {plus...my time to openly complain about everything & not get "the look" is quickly coming to an end}. i've continued to experience this since i first reported. even reporting the continued irritation to my doctor...but, honestly, they aren't anything out of the norm & i'm not experiencing any of the 'you're in labor!' symptoms. goes to show...that no two pregnancies are the same! i was hoping for another clockwork labor...and maybe it will still be once i get to the hospital, but these falsies are sucking! i mean, why does my uterus need to exercise...it's already been exercised by one kid already?! however, if it means that i will push for less than my first time {20 mins - ha!}, then i'll gladly embrace the pre-labor "contractions"! the 20th of january i anticipate my last bi-weekly doctor appointment...then...every week! there's another planned ultrasound in there somewhere too, to check out little mans weight, position, etc.

as far as preparation goes...i'm stuck somewhere between 'i need to get some more things crossed off my list asap' & 'i'm just gonna wing it, it'll be fine'. we weren't completely prepared when oliver arrived...i mean, c'mon, i was unemployed & living with my parents, mike was working up in sioux falls, living with his parents, we had no nursery set up awaiting...& oliver doesn't seem to hold it against us, nor has he expressed that we are slacker parents...so, i think we'll be okay. i have added some menu items that are more motherly to my 'done it' list: jello & chicken pot pie. not together, but as separate entities...both were a hit...& mike & i decided that we both had forgotten how much we liked jello!

i have no photos this post...just my words. but i can share that i am planning on a little project of my own during my maternity leave. i've been inspired by two fellow bloggers & photogs with their 365 {a photo a day} projects they completed in 2011. and...although i someday am going to complete this very same project, i can't fathom taking it on this year...plus, i'd already be 10 days behind & then that would lead to 20 & then 94 days behind & then it wouldn't happen. so, during my maternity leave, i plan on doing a mini photo a day project...for the whole 6 weeks {i need more! but that's another post} i'll be home with our two boys. we'll see how the creative juices flow post-partum with 2 kiddos...alone...all day...gulp!


  1. yay! can't wait to follow you on your mini photo a day! plus that means, good chances I will get to see new schweitzbaby many days in there! :)

  2. hang in there mama! now have to worry about false contractions, ugh... this is not a day at the playground!

  3. I had falsies the ENTIRE time I was prego with Nora. God help me. You'll get there. Just keep on keeping on!
