
the birth story of august michael.

so just when i thought things were going to start getting back to a routine...i'm home with oliver...chest congestion & onset of an ear infection. oh boy! i called the doctor's office first thing this morning after his coughing last night sounded less than normal! we won't be waiting around anymore if something seems awry with these babies! we have to be extra cautious around this household due to our recent stint w/ gus. so we'll be cramming him full of antibiotics & trying to keep him & gus on opposite ends of the house! i'm so freaked out that gus will get sick again too! but, since i find myself at home again after going back to work only two days last week, i thought that i'd recall the day gus was brought into this sick sick world =) and by the way...this is what we thought of mama going back to work - - ---

onto the good stuff...

as you may recall, i was scheduled to be induced as this little bugger did not want to come out on his own =) early monday morning, mike & i arrived at the hospital, checked in & threw on a good ole hospital gown. as i nestled into my home for the next unknown hours, we made certain everyone knew that we were not going to be leaving w/out a baby {outside of my belly}! the monitors were strapped on & i was given my iv...and i am fine w/ this happening, however, this particular time...maybe it was the nerves, but all of a sudden...things started getting fuzzy. i eyeballed the nurse & she noticed that the color had gone from my face. quickly, she turned me onto my left side & strapped on the o2 mask. mike walked in at this moment from filling up his coffee mug & looked at me like "what the heck...i left for 2 seconds & what is happening?!" my blood pressure had dropped suddenly & caused me to about lose it. wonderful start to this magnificent day! i honestly don't know why i reacted that way, but i soon recovered & we proceeded...

since baby man was sitting really high on a lot of fluid, unless i started having really big contractions, his little baby head was not going to move down & break the water. so, bring on the pitocin to get the contractions going. doc came by to check on me & give me some slack for trying to "check out" early before the hard part started =) he was able to break my water & oh my gosh...it felt like i lost 37 lbs! i was finally not in misery...lots of fluid up in there! so we sat back & waited...& the contractions soon began. we had videos the hospital makes you watch either before or after delivery...we opted for before to pass the time. mike got an a+ for participating in the infant cpr video - oh he makes me proud - haha! and after composing myself from videos of sids & infant impact crashes due to improperly installed carseats...i was dilating fairly quick & things started getting uncomfortable. epidural time! this was about the time mom walked into the room as i was straddling a chair as the anesthesiologist was shoving a needle into my back as i tried to sit comfortable...oh the things we do =) almost instantly after i settled back into my home was there relief from the pain. awwwww that feeling of no labor pains! and soon after that, i was soon dilated completely. go time!

my doctor was notified of the progress & he gave the go ahead to start pushing...which i found completely insane since he wasn't in the room instructing me what to do...or to catch the baby when it shot out...but, i went with it. mom & mike suited up...literally...they were going to be playing a very hands on role in this birth. even more so than my delivery with oliver did they play a VERY hands on role. i started pushing & like oliver's delivery, my contractions were coming so close together i couldn't catch my breath & recover in between. so the pitocin was slowed down to increase in-between time. and also, like the first delivery with an epidural, it was very difficult to push...as the sensation of pushing down there is little to none w/ an epidural. the nurse strapped a bar up over across the bed with a rope attached to it. it kind of confused me, but she instructed me to grab a hold & go into a c-curve w/ my back - oh hello pilates...as a pilates instructor, i was constantly reminding my students to pull their belly button towards their spine & make a c-curve with their backs. alas...things were coming together. but no...they didn't. this second round of pushing didn't work to move his head down either...onto the next plan.

in my head, i thought take the dang handle bar contraption off my bed for starters - which they did...& then they shut off my epidural to bring back some sensation. and maybe i was subconsciously anxious about not having the doctor there, i don't know. nothing against my mom or mike for heaven's sake...but they hadn't ever really technically delivered a baby before ;) as i started having pressure back in my pelvis...we gave it another go...and this time the doc was present. everything came together & after a couple of rounds of pushes...on the last one...i opened my eyes, which had been shut the entire time... and saw a little body below me. i watched the doctor unwrap the cord from gus' neck twice...{somewhat disturbing but it happens quite often} & then the nurse asked if i wanted him right on my chest or to take him to the warmer...uhhhhh...chest please! i loved this! i watched mike cut the cord a mere 3 inches from my face - whoa! and then the one thing that i will never forget this delivery...he held my hand. this little baby that loved living in my belly...held my hand! sigh.

i forgot to mention that in between pushing sessions...mike totally spilled the beans to my mom what our baby's name was going to be: august michael. of course, she cried when we told her =) and then we swore her to not tell anyone that we let the cat out of the bag early b/c we had done such a good job keeping it a secret i thought...except...i just told everyone now. and now, gus is here & we just love him so much! it's truly still the hardest most physically exhausting thing i've ever done in my life...but so SO worth it. hugs & kisses little gussy goo goo!

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