
doctor visit #16.

this just doesn't end for poor little gus. after not seeing any improvements through the weekend & even worse progress with some symptoms...we headed to the ER sunday. yet another xray {i'm starting to get concerned about all the rays he's been exposed to!?}, i've never even had an xray {sans teeth}?? we just continue to feel so helpless! the treatments we were administering just weren't getting the job done. so we've geared up with a steroid, a new antibiotic & continued nebulizer treatments. within the next 24-48 hours we hope to see an improvement... if not, we may be looking at another hospital visit =( i want to take his frustrating coughs, his wheezy breathes & his sad little cries & make them mine. we ask that you please keep gus in your thoughts & prayers. this little guy is just breaking my heart, i feel so bad for him... he has to come around soon! stay strong little buddy!

1 comment:

  1. gusy get better! I am so sorry to hear that gus has to keep fighting the ickiness! hang in there gus and mama.. you are handling all of this like a rockstart Leyna!
