

Silver Moons and paper chains,
Faded maps and shiny things.
You're my favorite one-man show.
A million different ways to go.
Will you fly me away?
Take me away with you,
My love.
Painted scenes, I'm up all night.
Slaying monsters, flying kites.
Speak to me in foreign tongues.
Share your secrets one by one.
Will you fly me away?
Take me away with you,
My love.
Now I cant think what life was like
Before I had you by my side.
Cant say what I'd do without you,
Knowing what its like to have you.
Hidden walk ways back in time.
Endless stories, lovers cry.
In my mind I've been set free.
Will you take this Journey
You and Me?
Will you Fly me away?
Take me away with you,
My love.
Fly me away with you,
My Love.
Take me away with you,

...My Love.

oliver grows.
crawling! everywhere!!!
pushing up onto knees & sitting up.
he has officially "found" his voice...having screaming conversations & giggling about it!
plays so good independently with his toys.
starting to become interested...or semi- pays attention to stories before bedtime.
loves to swim.
can hold himself up in a standing postion for a while, if placed there.
has begun to express dislike & frustration.
is developing a sense of humor with us.
has embraced quite the palette for...mangos, apricots, pears.
plays mostly with any toy that makes noise (great!) & your stackable rings.
throws toys across the room for fun (I think).
knocks down anything that's stacked up in front of him.
loves to eat the remotes, phones, computer screens...maybe he just has a knack for technology.
shows interest in shows like sesame street & other cartoons.
loves meal times...& continues to be a very good eater.
loves to be swung through the air & doing 180s with dad.
loves to challenge his mama & daddy everyday.
many firsts this month...first time at the pool, checking out books at the library & fishing trip with daddy.
we love you little squishy!
Lyrics by Annie Little. Fly Me Away.

1 comment:

  1. Leyna,
    I saw your comments on Libba's recent blog. I feel for you, sweetie. You had so many life changes happen at once. So many emotional and happy and life altering events can be overwhelming. Hang in there. And know it's OK to talk about it.
