
funk soul baby.

so the last four days we have been surrounded by music, art, great food & very hot colorado heat! thursday we headed back to the snowmass slope, fanny hill, to hear 'pure prairie league'. oliver did a lot better this time, as we settled further up the slope instead of down closer to the noise, speakers & a lot of people lined up for cheap wine & beer. okay, so we were in "kiddie-land", but such is life these days, right?! oliver loved sitting quietly on the blanky watching all the rambunxious children chase each other & squeal with glee! he bounces up & down on his lil butt & laughs at them!  music was great & the weather was gorgeous...except for the looming storms we spotted all around us. we thought we were going to dodge the wet zone but of course, it started dumping rain, lightning & thundering. being surrounded by ski lifts protruding high into the air, we quickly threw our stuff together & bee-lined it to the car. by the time we were settled in our seats, the rain stopped. so, the night was cut a bit short, despite the great time it was. i am becoming a habitual memory card forgetter lately too...no shots from pure prairie league.

the rest of the weekend was mountain fair over in carbondale, a quick drive north for us. we literally spent the whole weekend there. friday evening we headed over for some great tunes & to check out what the fair had to offer. all sorts of vendors including awesome artists, photographers & of course the little tents set up of random stuff such as the most exsquisite belt buckles you've ever seen. saturday, we spent more time checking out local art & photography booths & witnessed my first women's logsplitting contest. michael was the mc...

hahaha just kidding! later that night we settled in front of the stage for more music, food & oliver boogying to the tunes. he had such a great time...but the poor kid would not dare nap, even though his eyes were half shut & he had lost most of his pep. he just didn't want to miss a thing! we finally packed up & left to give the poor guy a rest...& he slept good! sunday we concluded our mountain fair experience watching our friend paul in the horseshoe competition. the weather was blazing & we were tired from constantly going going going, that we headed back to basalt for some r&r. and now today...we have continued in that same fashion. lazy day recovering. overall, it was a great experience & can't wait until next year!

everytime oliver plays in the grass he has a small obsession with eating it...

and it's not a hippie mountain town fest without tie-dye =)

i have no words for this one!

skeletor bike! took these for my parents...

my favorite metal artist...this guy does amazing work!

oliver climbed into the knocked over kelty pack & made his own little space to hang =)

rainbows on our way home saturday!

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