
still learning the camping ropes.

we decided on friday to take a little trip away from basalt & camp again. we decided to just head to the same destination we had previously been to, about an hour away. and keeping it close was a great idea. the boys headed up earlier to get things set up & i arrived a couple of hours later. i was actually surprised to see that the tent & hammock were set up when i got there. i wasn't sure if oliver was going to let dad do anything, but he did! they even went on a hike around the campground before i got there also. the weather was hot hot hot! one thing we don't deal with here, like we did back in the flatlands of iowa, humidity! other than the fact that you feel like the sun is 5 feet away, there's no moisture in the air. so we finished setting everything up, grilled some sweet corn & watched daddy fish for a while. we put oliver down around 9ish & although he fought it a bit...he fell asleep. mike & i sat around the fire for a while & then retired about midnight. and then came the fireworks show. almost immediately after we layed down our heads, o woke up screaming & crying. nightmares? no. hungry? i fed him, he ate, was happy for a couple of minutes, then again, screaming & crying. the poor guy was miserable. with all other options ruled out, we concluded his bothersome eager teeth were at it again. sore gums & everything we could possibly give him w/out od'ing our son...he was just plain miserable! but mind you, we were in the great outdoors, surrounded by other sleepy campers...at midnight...we couldn't have our little bearcat waking up the tri-state area. we took him to the car to hopefully drown out his cries. took him on a drive. as a parent, this is honestly a point where you feel totally helpless...& it sucks! the only thing he could do was cry out in pain. and he was sooooo sleepy. at about 1 o'clock, as he was finally starting to settle a bit, i gave the ultimatum...either i was taking him back down the mountain home or i was going back to the tent to sleep. mike waved me on to sleep, so i did. and he stayed with oliver in the car...& to my surprise, they slept there the rest of the night. oh wait...no they didn't sleep! mike ended up having to take him on another drive up the mountain & by the time he finally put his aching sleepy baby body to rest...it was 4 aM. i woke up sometime before the sun came up, thinking oliver was going to be needing a bottle. i was honestly surprised that they did sleep in the car because i was going to attempt that with him, but ruled it was going to be the most uncomfortable thing since my first ob exam. there they were...mike in the passenger seat, oliver on his belly & a blankey covering them both head to toe. a very sweet sight. until mike woke up & explained to me their both very painful evening. poor little man. so we started our day, apologizing to the other families surrounding us for our maniac teething baby boy. fortunately, no one hear him & us in the middle of the night. and i think everyone mike talked to, suggested to us to put whiskey on his gums. ha! i guess it is a tried & true tale. anyway, we haven't tried it, but we haven't ruled it out! so after our nightmare of a first night camping, i had had enough (you know me & camping...i struggle to enjoy it in the first place). i made the executive decision to take oliver home for the night so he could possibly find some peace. mike stayed to have a peaceful night in his great outdoors alone...he's so in his element & i think a night a part was good ;) i was bored out of my mind back home though, but i made it through, oliver had a better night & we camped out ourselves in the living room. just like we used to at my grandma & grandpa's.
so when is our next camping trip you ask...well...it's something i'm not going to suggest for a while ha! i know it won't always be a repetetive experience because oliver loves the outdoors...but maybe we just need to cool it until he has this teething thing out of the way =( oh & ps...i forgot my camera this trip so i have no photographic memories to share with you..maybe that was a good thing.
i do however have a fun bunch that i took when we were living room camping...& i apologize to oliver for all of his photos in his owl onesie...haha...i always make him wear it because i love it so much & i nicknamed him 'owlie olly' that weekend =) hoot hoot.


  1. I love the lighting on these photos... share your trick pretty please!
    Oh and ps.... we never took Aspen on a camping trip till her 1st Birthday (Mike was there!)... so I feel for ya on the camping with baby thing! It will get easier my friend and then you too will get hooked! :)

  2. Ah, good times. FYI, whiskey is a natural analgesic. It will work.

  3. What a great story to share with him when he's older :) And ummm, I love the Owl Onesie so keep it coming.
