
jack daniels antidepressants & balls on the walls.

okay no i haven't completely gone off the reservation, but i do have a handful of random stories as of late. oliver's teething has hit new heights with him up again the other night screaming uncontrollably for about three hours. poor guy is just struggling bad, i wonder, do kids really have teething pains this bad, i just hope it's not anything else. anyway, we finally surrendered to the old wive's tale of whiskey on the gums. michael went to the liquor store the other evening, coming home with oliver's first tiny airplane shot of jack daniels. he told me he explained to the liquor store clerk that it was for his 9 month old son. i thought it was hilarious that the clerk found this completely kosher, yet the guy cards me everytime i go in there =) haha. well, turns out the old tennessee whiskey worked!

oliver checking out the unopened bottle of magic!

next, in my quest to win over my depression, i have begun taking perscription antidepressants. i am trying to ignore the stigma that society places on taking such pills & i'm raising my hand to say 'yes, my degree of depression requires some sort of drug therapy'. so there, i said it. and it is a bit early in the process to really tell, but i am starting to notice a change, so this is good.

onto my next story. oliver has officially crossed over into boyhood. yeah already! he landed his first goose egg on his forehead yesterday! the little wild man & i were swimming at our place & as he is eager to stand up on everything, he grabbed the side of the inflatable pool & stood up, only to drop down on his knees with his heavy head facing too far forward & crash. he tumbled out onto the cement. he recovered shortly after a few tears, a lot of tlc from mama & continues on as our fearless little wanderer. i felt horrible & michael reminded me that it is going to be one of many. oh the life as a mother of a son. a schweitzberger at that ;)

with the little man on the move, constantly. we have made a makeshift corral in our living room by sliding the ottoman in place of the walkway to the kitchen. which gives him ample room to explore, but it just doesn't work keeping him gated in all day. i mean, our house is not a mansion (i know that comes as quite a shocker) so i try to let him find new places in the house to explore while i can keep a closer eye on him.  the other day we discovered our spare bathroom. he just sits in there & giggles...at i don't know what exactly but he thinks it's the bee's knees. he usually checks out the crate & barrel magazine & unrolls the toilet paper roll. which i actually find less annoying than when mike pulls out a new roll without replacing the old one.

and lastly, i apologize if you find it inappropriate, but we have been laughing about this for weeks now. so, the blinds above our sink get filthy if the windows are open & the mountain dust flies into the house. which is usually a daily thing, so they are never clean. about a month ago, i had had enough & took out all the wooden slats to clean them. well, the tenants prior to us apparently had the pulling system all messed up & i couldn't get them back in even. so i pulled up the strings & said forget it. the strings just dangle there in quite a hilarious formation. and this is what reflects on our wall for about 2 hours everyday =) 


  1. LMAO! There are so many things about this post that I can't even handle without laughter! Good for you for resorting to the whiskey trick. Don't feel bad; I know plenty of people who have done the same BECAUSE IT WORKS! Speaking of what works, so...you're on drugs. Rock on. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WORKS! You go, girl. To hell with society. You take care of you. The only comment I have to leave about crossing into "boyhood" is this: wait until he deliberately starts grabbing his penis. Then we'll talk. Cause...damn. As for the string shadow, I couldn't even handle that! It's hillarious! Never fix it. It's a great conversation starter!

  2. Oh! and the TP roll. God. Help. Me. I don't know what's worse. The fact that Nora LOVE the TP roll or that she L.O.V.E.S the water in the toilet. Blah.

  3. the tp roll is so good... and the whiskey trick, I am with ya sister! I don't have children, but when I do, I will do whatever I can to get them to sleep and to not have dhs find out about it! I think that is how a parent stays sane

  4. Hahahaha about the window reflection. I'm going to be laughing about that for days. And I am so happy that you are taking the steps you need in order to get your brain in balance. I've been through it. I've been considering taking the same steps lately. Just been down and nothing seems to bring me up. Ugh. I can only blame it on hormones for so long, you know?
