
a lot of updates & ministories.

for some reason september for us has been busy busy busy! i thought that once summer started winding down, so did the action...not for us apparently! i have had so many blogs this month i can't even believe it & the stories keep coming. i guess i am making up for you slacker bloggers by being 'blogger on crack'. no mom, i'm not on crack, it's just an expression ;) i just have a lot of mini stories and/or updates that i'm going to briefly write about...here goes...

faith of a family.
for those of you who read elizabeth's (michael's sister) blog, this will be a double dip, but those of you who don't, i want to update you on their grandma spooner. grandma fredie (mike's mother, mary's, mom aka oliver's great gma), suffered a severe aneurysm, and coincidently a heart attack, a little over 2 weeks ago. she had a successful surgery (entered through the skull) to remove the damage & she began recovery. we have been thinking of grandma fredie everyday as she continues to fight against this tragic event. we have faith that she will continue to progress in her rehabilitation & we hope to be making a visit in the near future, if we can. much love to you great grandma alfreda & the spooner family!

baby news.
so we are so excited that a new baby will soon be added to the clan that consists already of ava, kye, wyatt, oliver &... baby number two! no it's not me expecting!!! michael's sister, emily is going to be delivering very very soon. like she went into the hospital this morning to begin the process soon =) we cannot wait to meet him/her & the surprise & suspense is killing us over here in colorado! this is another great reason to try & get back asap to the midwest! new baby time. and speaking of new baby time. i am doing backflips at the announcement of friend, marcell, expecting their first baby in march! i couldn't be happier for marce & josh & have had a lot of fun talking to marce on the phone already!

multitasking mama.
okay, so on top of mama'ing & playing manager of household chores (haha), i have added a lot of different things to my leyna plate. i have recently gotten extremely serious about starting & launching my own photography services. at this point though, i am busy educating myself & working on organizing & planning. it will no doubt take a little time to get all in place, but i am very motivated & passionate about this new endeavor. also, among other photography tools i have been outreaching, i recently set up a flickr account. this way i will be able to learn more about my shots & eventually network with other photographers. i believe that i am going to handle my photography news out of my 'another day in luckyville' blog. that way i can focus on family here & business & other stuff there. libba & i have already started weekly theme-based photo sharing. i will make sure to post on luckyville our weekly themes. this weeks theme is 'new life'. please visit the site to check out more!

or check out another day in luckyville link on top of page.
the men who stare at goats.
one of michael's co-workers invited us over a couple of weekends ago to enjoy some bbq & social time. in his backyard, just so happens to be a family of goats =) oliver loved them!

curls for the girls.
check out these curls that come out after bathtime. i just admire them. so cute. my brother used to have curls when he was a baby...well...i think he still has them, but he doesn't appreciate them as much now.

aspen afternoon.
oliver & i took an afternoon trip over to aspen the other day for a change-o-scenery. it was a very nice day so we stopped at a little park in the commons downtown & ventured to the bookstore in search of a book.

the man in the background is either a known (except i do not know) actor or author. as i was browsing the shelves, i stumbled in on a conversation between him & the store clerk. he was mentioning his "famous kitchen scene" and that it (book and/or movie) was put on the "banned" list. if anyone happens to recognize, let me know ;)

some of the "banned" books back in the day.
the store was giving homage to them & their authors.

this photo was taken right before last weeks iowa hawkeye's game. if you're a hawk, you don't want to talk about it. if you're a cyclone, you can't stop laughing about it. and if you're neither, well then, here's a photo of oliver in football cheering mode!

room project postponed.
so i have been planning a renovation in oliver's room for some time now.  but, with the weather & all other craziness happening lately...i have postponed the project to a weekend that gives us bad weather. i need the weekend so the painting doesn't turn into a disaster with oliver around & i need bad weather, because soon enough, winter will be here & i will need something to occupy my time, as if i have any to spare ;)

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