
the schweitzbergers & the zoo.

to iowa & back. story four.
so sans michael on this trip, we still had to make sure that the schweitzbergers got to visit with oliver. so liz & i made plans to have them meet us in holstein friday night (at the wedding rehearsal dinner) and they would take him up to sioux falls through sunday, then i would pick him back up. great plan. except i was soooooo worried that we were going to have a giant case of separation anxiety. for oliver not me ;) honestly. i mean there are some days i can't even leave the room for 2 seconds & he freaks. how was he going to react when i wasn't even accessible at all...well...

on friday evening mary, liz & ava were down to pick oliver up. here goes nothing...we said our goodbyes & he was strapped in sitting next to ava. he was fixated on her! he seemed happy. he didn't cry. and he was asleep before they even got out of holstein i think. he did so good. he actually sounded like he did some 180s on some of his weak points...sleeping, napping, not needing mommy 24/7. when i received good reports it was so much easier for me to relax & enjoy some baby-free time. and for the record, i did fine! it was the first time i had been away from him, but i was fine! i had to get used to not having him there for a bit...i wasn't quite sure what to do with myself?! haha. he visited the zoo with everyone on saturday & had a lot of fun playing with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandma & grandpa schweitz! i was really eager to see what his reaction would be when i picked him back up too. he just looked at me with a matter of fact 'oh hey mama, what's happenin' look. =) he came back from sioux falls with some new skills too...waving! saying da da da da da! and nah nah nah nah (that michael interprets as no no no no & jokingly blames on the carlson duo, ava & kye)...haha sorry liz! can't wait for our next visit...i think they all need to come out to colorado!!!

at the zoo with aunties emily & liz.

oh yeah...i should've warned you guys...he loves to pull hair.

funny faces with uncle cory.

hanging with cousin wyatt.

worn out little ones oliver kye & ava =(

it's tiring hanging out with these kids!

ava was such a little helper too. liz reported that she informed everyone that SHE was the ONLY ONE who could love oliver. haha! but i don't think that anyone listened to her ;)

airplane rides with uncle jolin.

it was a great (but too short) visit...& i think this face sums up what oliver thought about getting to spend time up in sioux falls with everyone =)

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