
O's First Camping Trip.

Yep...finally bit the bullet, loaded up the car with everything but the Boppy & the kitchen sink & headed up valley through the mountains.  We kept it a close location just in case it became a disaster...which I'm glad we did because although the days were fabulous weather...after the sun ducked under the  mountain side...holy brrrskies!  We basked in the sun during the day & woke up to frost & icicles!  Icicles! Yes!  But let's back it up a bit...we (ok I) was a bit nervous about the whole thing not only because it's bear country, but Oliver has been working on sprouting that second tooth...it was close, but still giving him fussy bouts!  I mean...fuuuuuuussssssyy =)  We arrived late afternoon & began setting up camp.  I think Oliver cried & or whined due to his painful gums about 75% of the time before he went to bed.  Which in turn, made me want to pack up & head home before dark set in!  We foraged on through though & Oliver actually slept better than we did.  Of course we were more concerned of him being warm enough that we didn't think enough about ourselves & let me tell ya...it was a MISERABLE night!  MISERABLE!  Neither Michael nor I got any sleep, which left us a bit cranky come the morning.  I was up before...BEFORE the sun came up...ring the alarms people...that doesn't happen!  I actually found myself laying the frigid tundra of a tent praying for the morning to come!  Anyway, the sun popped back up over the mountain & it was like night & day...literally I suppose.  It warmed up & we were on with our day...but not before I swore I was NOT going to pretend to sleep through another night without more warmth.  Oliver & I hopped in the car & headed back home for some additonal supplies to toast our frozen buns.  We were gone for about 3 hours & Michael got some quality fishing time in...& I got some quality soul searching in travelling through the mountains sipping on mountain brewed coffee & listening to talk radio.  And Oliver saw some deer in the middle of the road & baby foxes skipping around.  The drive through the mountains in the morning can actually be very relaxing & refreshing...ok THERE I said it...it happened once...let's not get out of hand because it won't be a daily thing.  Mama still prefers a warm comfy bed to driving around at six thirty aM ;)  Once we got back up to our campsite, we lunched & headed out for a hike. 

Hiking in bear country gets me all sorts of anxious, so needless to say I was like a scared pup the whole time despite wanting to go in the first place.  I have been so eager to get out & hike, but I always freak myself out right before I hit the trail.  Guess it's just something I'm going to have to get over, either that or start carrying a shotgun...yeah right!  We survived the trail hike & I even came out of it with some much needed John Denver sunshine on my shoulders.  The second night went a lot better & some sleep was had by all.  Oliver did SO good on his first camping trip...but I think he was excited to get home to his jumper & toys!  And Michael & I were happy to get home to a warm shower!  (Yeah no showers!  That was a fun detail Mike threw at me as we were heading out the door...remember folks...I'm a true camper in training). 

Here are our trip photos...enjoy!

Oliver claimed his space right away.

Our campsite along the Frying Pan River.

Teeth!  The best photo I have been able to get thus far.

A little teething episode...

Good morning icicles!

Ruedi Resevoir . rioveseR ideuR

Random split boulder in the middle of the woods.


Mike's catch of the day =)  Actually, he did catch ONE fish...didn't see it with my own eyes...but I took his word for it because he threw it back.

Something we found on our hike...maybe our next new home.

Long day...time to relax...

Our Family Photos.


Sweet Tatoes More Teeth & Steven Tyler.

So we've strapped the feedbag onto Oliver & have started our little man on the "yellows", which are really orange veggies, but whatever.  I must admit, that I have been a little anxious about starting him on the food.  In my mind it just seems so technical & confusing...what to start with, how much, how often, how long til I try something else, what if he doesn't like it, what happens if he's allergic to something, what if he's not getting enough formula, do I still give him oatmeal & formula...ugh...I know I'm probably being a bit narotic about it, but it's honestly the first thing that has made me really nervous being a first time mom.  On the other hand...I've been excited to embark on this, I mean...anything has GOT to be better than that nasty formula.  I haven't officially tried a drink of it, maybe just an accidental splash up into my mouth...so it is possible it has the same story of feta cheese...ya know, smells nasty, but tastes good.  Anyway, I am pleased Oliver has been loving the yellows so far.  We started him with sweet tatoes...love at first taste I believe...now we're onto carrots & once again, nothing but love.  He about polished a whole jar the other day...maybe that was too much to give him at once, or maybe he's ok to have an entire jar in one feeding...see!...there goes my narotisicm.  I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but, I think we've adopted a good system now & I go on believing that what we're doing is right.  He seems to be satisfied & is loving his pureed veggies!

Sweet Tatoe Time!


Although not a look of desire...he did give two baby thumbs up =)

So after Oliver's first tooth graced our presence he had some down time to let that whole experience sink in...but unlike his Mama's stubborn teeth, they are ready to torment our poor little boy with more tiny tooth love.  After about 5 minutes of hard crying & screaming & trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with my little man the other day, I caught a peek during one of his wide-mouthed screams...Oliver's first tooth has a friend coming up to play!  I am relieved it's hopefully happening fast for him, but sad when he's in so much pain & doesn't know what to do with himself!  As a parent, you feel helpless.  I know that EVERYONE has gone through this painful event themselves & most of you reading have a child who has gone through it too & know exactly what it's like, 100% suck.  But like I said, hopefully soon it will be over!

It hurts Mama!


Gimme your finger to gnaw on!

It's hard to photograph the culprits!

Rosy teething cheekies!

Disgruntled Little Buddy.

And now you're probably wondering what the heck Steven Tyler has to do with all of this...well...let me fill you in on a little fact about me unknown to the majority of you reading... I love love LOVE STEVEN TYLER of AEROSMITH =)  Yes.  I have always had a slight crush on him, don't know why, it's just something that happened.  With that setup...I celebrated my 28th birthday on Tuesday...I know!...ring the alarms...exciting stuff.  There is some history of the correlation between my birthday & Steven Tyler...unfortunately it isn't a story of how he showed up on my doorstep & serenaded me with "Rag Doll", but it does have some coolness parallels to what that would be like.  Two years ago (one year ago I was preggo), my parents & friends through me a birthday party at my parent's home.  And in true Holstein style, it started out as a casual BBQ with some libations flowing...then at some point escalated to a major shindig with half the town there having a good ole time singing, dancing, playing flip cup.  One thing you must know about me is if I have a couple of cocktails...I'm going to need to play Aerosmith & jam out...it's like if you give a moose a muffin.  So, of course I get out my Steven collection & it becomes the music theme of the night.  Soon enough...who shows up (NO! Not Steven) the police.  He came a strolling up with his flashlight...I looked at my Dad & gave him the 'don't worry I'll handle this' nudge & skipped up to the cop.  Now, growing up in Holstein, I knew most of the lingering 5-O that kept the streets of Holstein clean, but I DID NOT know this fella.  New guy apparently.  So I stroll up & nonchalantly swing my arm around him like no biggie (still don't know how I got away with that but whatever).  He then explained that he could hear the music & voices way over in the high school parking lot where he was parked (go figure).  And to which I replied "there's no doubt in my mind you can sir".  Mind you, when I say 'way over' in the parking lot we're talking like 4 blocks away.  He mumbled some stuff & then my next reply was "Sir, it's my birthday & I LOVE Steven Tyler".  He agreed, told us to keep it down & took off.  So, it's a notorious quote muttered by yours truly that I remember every year...so when you see me repeat it for years & years to come, that is the story behind it. 

This year did not have such epic quotes, but was just as satisfying.  I spent my big day with my boys & friends Paul & Sonya for drinks & some barbequing.  The weather was perfect & the day was very sweet.


Cheers Bloggies!

Wowza...when he grabs my hair...dang it!

Mikey in the kitchen...

Mike wanted to make me a cake...not a big fan of birthday cake (I know, I hear you gasping)...but a big fan of cheesecake...so what did he do?!  He made six different flavors of cheesecake for me & strategically placed all of them in a giant variety cake =)

All partied out.