
gus vs rsv - day four.

continuing to be a little fighter. gus's lungs are definitely less stressed today. our mission, however, is to move the loosening mucous up & out of the lungs. since newborns don't know that they're supposed to "hawk" is out...they must cough or vomit it up & then, unfortunately swallow it. gross, i know! but, this is what we're hoping for. the other night when he massive puked everywhere, it was a good thing. i'll probably never repeat that last phrase ever again. because giant pukes are never a cool thing, but we'll give it to gus this time!

the doc tried out his oxygen levels w/out the cannula in this morning. he maintained okay, but was lacking just slightly where he should be. so, this is a good indicator that it's the mucous blocking the airways, causing the lowered o2 levels. that explained...we hooked the cannula back up...little man thought he was liberated from that damn thing, but not quite yet. he's been resting very well today, which is helping, however, it does still lead to wide-eyed spans of time during the late late night hours...like 3 aM when mama would love some beauty rest. and she needs it...b/c the stress of all of this is wreaking havoc on her complexion! yuck! and i think that i've consumed more caffeine in the last three days than i have in my entire lifespan thus far.

bottom line...we're still in the slammer today...at least another 24 hours, for those of you that are asking. not certain it won't be longer. we don't want to leave prematurely & end up back here again! i'm all for staying as long as we need =) it's stressful in here, but i think it will be more stressful at home for a while w/out medical professionals w/in yelling distance =) we are also excited that daddy will be joining us overnight tonight. he doesn't work fridays & will then spend the rest of the day with oliver. much anticipated daddy & olly time. my heartstrings hurt that i haven't been able to see that little man all week. i know that somewhere deep down, he knows that mommy needs to be with little bro. even if he is yelling at his grandma's to "go" & points to the door at bedtime =( neither of them will remember this, which i am thankful for...they can read about it via mommy's blog & know why we had this crazy week! we're still keeping our fingers crossed for positive movement in gus's recovery...cough gus cough!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I totally feel for you. Addison had RSV when she was 6 months. I can't imagine how awful it must be for a newborn :( Praying for Gus and your adorable family. Hope he is better soon!
