
you can call me gus =)

so so so so happy proud hearts exploding announcing our little guy!

august michael schweitzberger
born monday, february 27. 2012
3:30 pM
7 lbs 2 oz
19 1/2 inches

whoa this little mini was worth the wait!
mama & daddy are in love!
oliver adores him!

more on the birth story later...you knew i wasn't going to hold out completely =) for now, we made it home from the hospital yesterday. i am recovering well, amazing how much better your body bounces back after #2...i mean, i'm not 100%, but i'm not as much of a pile as i remembered this early with olly. a huge relief to be on this side of it now.


  1. Awwww, he is so precious Mike & Leyna!!!
    Congrats on your beautiful family of FOUR! ;)

  2. Congratulations guys!!
    You made another cutie!

  3. Leyna, he's just perfect. Glad you are feeling well ~ and I have to agree. #2 bounce back is pretty quick! I left the hospital WITH Nora exactly 24 hours post birth. With the boys......I felt worthless for at least 2 months ;-) Can't wait to meet him! Take care!

  4. congrats! I can't wait to meet little gus, even if he was a little stubborn and tortured you a bit, he is too damn cute for me to be mad at him about that!
