
springing in august.

and the fight continues. sunday night, i stayed w/ oliver over at liz & jolin's. our weekend daycare ;) had to work monday morning & ava & kye would be going to their own daycare. so, sunday night, i sunk into a real bed...a real bed! i made oliver hit the sack earlier than he probably wanted or was ready because mama was in A REAL BED! and it was nice. we woke monday morning with oliver asking for gus...so of course, we called daddy to see how his night solo w/ the gus bus went. not bad. and that morning he was off of oxygen completely as they monitored his levels. he was on a very slow iv drip w/ the antibiotics & his steroid was switched to an oral variety again. once we got to the hospital it was such a breath of fresh air to see him resting peacefully. not fighting to breathe. not fighting his nose congestion. not distressed at all. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. we all were able to breathe easier with this image.

towards the end of the day, although still very peaceful, he needed his oxygen back through the night. mama stayed with gus monday night & daddy was able to stay in the real bed w/ oliver. our night was interrupted w/ normal feedings, respiratory treatments & the iv alarm going off due to a kink in the tubing...only about 3 times...ugh ;) the doctor updated me today, that because he was on the oxygen last night, we will not be discharged today. and this is not uncommon for him to need the o2 still, it may take another 24 hours to breathe room air sufficiently. and we are definitely okay with this. he's continuing with the nebulizer treatments & nose suctions through the day, as well as continued monitoring w/ the o2. and you know what this means...mama gets the real bed again tonight...ooohhhh the REAL BED =) thank you for keeping up with gus. again, all the support is felt by us all. we can't thank you all enough for everything you are doing. lots of love back to you.

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