Pocket Full of Change.

Green Thumbs Up.

Hey Daddy-O.

Last weekend we visited my family in Holstein. We had a nice dinner Friday & some quality bonding time amongst mother's irresistable margaritas...that I had to watch everyone else enjoy =) I'm so grateful to spend time w/ my father... he's had an amazing recovery from his stroke last December! We also made a trip up to Sioux Falls to visit Mike's fam. We were anticipating a day at the Wild Water West waterpark up there, but a rainy Father's Day prohibited those plans. It was a bit disappointing b/c I was looking forward to a couple of relaxing hours floating on a tube on the lazy river, but a little relieved I dodged the 'having to put on a swimsuit' bullet! After a majority of the day filled with rain, it finally cleared up & we got to spend a little time outdoors.

Kye bouncing around outside.
Ok...let me explain this one... I'm not one to post belly pics, but Liz, Mike's sister, insisted on taking this! =) Haha!
Frank & Beans.
Please take the next 5 months to prepare yourselves for a minature Michael to arrive!
Sincerely Leyna.
Ahhhhhh! That's right....we are expecting a boy!
Mike & I patiently awaited as the sonographer scanned & scanned my belly...checking out the head, heart, spine, etc. It's really such an exciting experience that would make anyone take a step back & realize how precious life is. And so we're watching this little thing move around & our sonographer keeps making girl references but hasn't made an official call...Mike just couldn't take it any longer & the anticipation was rising... "ok what are we having" he bursted out..."oh it's a boy!" she replied. If there was more room in that little space Mike would've done a backflip!!! How exciting. A healthy little man was great news for us...although Mike sweating out the next 5 months anticipating a little girl would've been quite amusing =)
After we finished the sonogram, Mike was on the phone w/ his sister Liz to share the news... "I saw cock & balls" he exclaimed to her...in the waiting room...not exactly the most kid-friendly phrase...c'mon man let's clean it up haha! Anyway, so that's the story of our exciting news...we're both very happy & can't wait for our little boy to arrive!6.18.2009
Can't stop the bump rush!
Funny Business!!!
Michael & I were pretty certain that this trip to the ole OB/GYN was sure to bring an acoustic explosion of a heartbeat...but...we were mistaken (we had to wait until next visit)...in fact, this turned out to be the "thorough exam" day! Surprise! And guess who got a front row ticket to the show... haha =) Some of you may think this a bit strange that Mike opted to stick around for my assessment, but those of you that know him... shouldn't be thinking twice!
So...as I'm settling back, feet in stirrups, I examined my audience...my doctor, my nurse, some random nurse that was in training & Mike. I try to relax & at this point...I can't even make eye contact w/ Mike or I'm going to lose it! Doc turns on his light & places it in position to begin his exam....& from the peanut gallery we all hear "Smile...you're on candid camera!", followed by laughter from everyone in the tiny little room that seemed to be collapsing on me due to embarrassment! Holding back my own laughter (& thoughts 'what an idiot'), I replied "oh that's Mike for ya...always a comedian!" It did however lighten the mood & the rest of the visit...joke was on him though...b/c as I mentioned before I think he may be scarred for life from witnessing his first woman's exam - haha! There's never a limit on how much preparation for November either of us can have!
PS...I'm wanting to put up more photos b/c I'm finding the blog a bit blah...but I will wait for future entries...as I don't believe this quite an appropriate subject for photos!
Sex, drugs & baby stuff.
In about 3 weeks, June 19th we have our ultrasound that will hopefully reveal the sex of our little bundle...& yes, WE want to know! We have a bit of a name battle going on & I either need to relish in the face of victory or learn to love Michael's choice =) But...we're unsure if we're going to reveal it to the masses...sorry...we kind of want to keep everyone in suspense...who knows...I'll probably crack after about 3 1/2 hours & bust it out, so I wouldn't be too concerned! Haha. Either way...Hawkeye gear is unisex!!! We've already begun the in-state battle of who our child will be a fan of... Hawkeyes or Cyclones. A child divided I suppose.
A baby in November!!!
Michael & I are excited to announce our news of what I've decided to deem Michael + Leyna = Michaeleyna...although that is not on the list of potential names for our little boy or girl it does have a ring huh =) I am currently at 16 weeks & have been nauseous for 10 and counting! Ugh. Are you kidding me with the nauseousness!? And I know that "typically" women grow out of that "morning sickness" stage by the 2nd trimester...well... I'm not typical it turns out. Although I have to admit I do have some days of relief... whereas I'm not feeling it from the time I wake until the time I go to bed...which is hilariously by like 8:30 pM some nights! Let's see...I've hit the lethargically tired stage & I am unsure if I'm ever going to be able to eat or speak of raw nuts again. Just the action of typing about them about sent me to the bathroom =) I'm sure all of you already moms are rolling your eyes...but I hope you do recall the craziness of experiencing all this madness for the first time...bear with me as my first blogs will probably be me rambling on and on about this...I will try to keep them as least violent as possible...haha!
Let's share some doctor visit stuff next... I've been to the doctor for my initial and second checks already. Michael has willingly accompanied me to these as well...the "April visit" (we'll just call it that) probably scarred him for life already...yikes. He's a wonderful support =) Our May visit we heard a healthy heartbeat...what a crazy experience that was! I know it happened so fast & I'm pretty sure I just laid there with my eyes & mouth wide open staring @ Mike. Haha! Later that month we had an ultrasound...everything normal & the first time seeing your baby's beating heart just going to town is an experience hard to describe! Although Michael was hounding the tech for the sex...it was too early to tell. We'll be looking forward to that visit June 19th!