
A baby in November!!!

...So begins the blog of Baby Schweitzberger due November 18th-ish! We'll see how this goes since I'm new to this blogging thing...I'm sure Mike will add his charisma to this thing every now & again too =) Allright, let's blog...

Michael & I are excited to announce our news of what I've decided to deem Michael + Leyna = Michaeleyna...although that is not on the list of potential names for our little boy or girl it does have a ring huh =) I am currently at 16 weeks & have been nauseous for 10 and counting! Ugh. Are you kidding me with the nauseousness!? And I know that "typically" women grow out of that "morning sickness" stage by the 2nd trimester...well... I'm not typical it turns out. Although I have to admit I do have some days of relief... whereas I'm not feeling it from the time I wake until the time I go to bed...which is hilariously by like 8:30 pM some nights! Let's see...I've hit the lethargically tired stage & I am unsure if I'm ever going to be able to eat or speak of raw nuts again. Just the action of typing about them about sent me to the bathroom =) I'm sure all of you already moms are rolling your eyes...but I hope you do recall the craziness of experiencing all this madness for the first time...bear with me as my first blogs will probably be me rambling on and on about this...I will try to keep them as least violent as possible...haha!

Let's share some doctor visit stuff next... I've been to the doctor for my initial and second checks already. Michael has willingly accompanied me to these as well...the "April visit" (we'll just call it that) probably scarred him for life already...yikes. He's a wonderful support =) Our May visit we heard a healthy heartbeat...what a crazy experience that was! I know it happened so fast & I'm pretty sure I just laid there with my eyes & mouth wide open staring @ Mike. Haha! Later that month we had an ultrasound...everything normal & the first time seeing your baby's beating heart just going to town is an experience hard to describe! Although Michael was hounding the tech for the sex...it was too early to tell. We'll be looking forward to that visit June 19th!


  1. I am so excited about your blog, and even more so that it's so funny to read! I love discovering that friends have hidden talents, and writing is truly impressive, Leyna! Keep going with the train of thought because your sense of humor shines through!

    Love you,

  2. Wow. This is exciting news! Congrats to the both of you! Happy Barfing! :)

  3. Congrats!! Are you going to find out the sex of the baby? Enjoy every minute! It is a wonderful miracle of life!!

  4. Congrats on the new baby and the new blog! I look forward to seeing your updates! Tell Mike hi too!

  5. Congrats on the bambino and the blog!! Unfortunately the nausea may never stop (mine didn't), but it should at least get better...mine started getting better at about 19 weeks...but that was with twins...maybe you're having twins. ;-)(Just kidding!!)

  6. Yahoo! Welcome fellow blogger! I can't wait to read about your pregnancy and beyond! Hope you are doing well! Remember, Maalox and Gas-X are your friends! It won't take ALL the sickness away, but it help you feel better anyway! Nothing is crazy as it seems (or is it?)

    I am glad that you have heard the beat and seen the babe already! Good for you! (How weird and real is that?!) Let us know if we need to start shopping for boy or girl Hawkeye gear!

  7. i still cant believe you 2 crazies are having a baby! this kid is seriously going to be out of control!!! we are so excited for another addition to the family! give that belly a little rub for us!!!

  8. Well hello there! And big, GIANT congrats to you (soon-to-be) three! Leyna, I don't think you know me but I am sure you have heard a million zillion stories about me or my crazy husband...although not as crazy as Michael! I am super, duper happy for you all and so excited that I can follow you on here also! My only piece of advice (that you didn't ask for)is for morning sickness...I had it terrible also and my doctor told me to take a Unisom - I know it's a sleeping pill and they don't know why it works but all you need is to cut one into halves or thirds and take a small sliver. It worked for me... And a sliver won't make you tired, just take the edge off. Good luck! And give Mike a big wet kiss from us Clarks! :-)
