
Sex, drugs & baby stuff.

If you blog it, they will come! Thanks for checking out our new site everyone! I've come to the conclusion, given all the exclusions during pregnancy (as I sip a decaf coffee - what's the point!?!), that blogging will now be my new drug =)

In about 3 weeks, June 19th we have our ultrasound that will hopefully reveal the sex of our little bundle...& yes, WE want to know! We have a bit of a name battle going on & I either need to relish in the face of victory or learn to love Michael's choice =) But...we're unsure if we're going to reveal it to the masses...sorry...we kind of want to keep everyone in suspense...who knows...I'll probably crack after about 3 1/2 hours & bust it out, so I wouldn't be too concerned! Haha. Either way...Hawkeye gear is unisex!!! We've already begun the in-state battle of who our child will be a fan of... Hawkeyes or Cyclones. A child divided I suppose.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Leyna! And a big Congrats to you and Mike... Parenthood is the best thing EVER. Sorry to hear about your morning sickness... I had it throughout the first and third trimesters... sucks a big one. I still get queazy when I smell orange air fresheners. Oh, and good luck with the decaf... just suck it up until the third trimester when you can totally indulge in a real coffee - and a glass of wine!

  2. November 18th really is the best day, then the baby can share the same birthday with someone very famous!! ME!!

  3. i really hate to get in the middle of that issue, but i think there's really only one option on the in-state allegiance. i mean, woman's rights man. i let sarah pick who our kid would root for.


  4. Pretty sure the Hawkeyes are gonna win this battle....as they usually win most against the Cyclones! haha. Love ya!

  5. leyna- seriously...this is just one battle mike is going to lose...GO IOWA!!! btw- ava says HI BABY =)

  6. Congrats to you and Mike!! You two are going to be great parents and your newest addition is so lucky!! It is truly a wonderful experience.... even with the nausea! Also, welcome to the blog world. It is so great to be able to keep up with everyone near and far!

  7. Welcome, Leyna! And congrats to you and Mike! I just love it when beautiful people reproduce. It's OK if you get addicted to blogging- there are many out there that are addicted to reading, them. And we have quite a blogging community here. Good luck with the rest of your prego-nancy. I'll be back to catch up!
