
Funny Business!!!

I have to give credit to Michael for being the comedy relief in this journey! Most of you reading this blog are familiar with the goofy mind of Mike Schweitzberger...and those of you that aren't familiar will probably get a good taste of it from now on =) I have to thank him for his attempts @ keeping me sane...& I do stress attempts sometimes...he's not always successful as he WILL contest to. Among the humor trips we've taken thus far...one in particular does stand out. I want to bring you all back to a moment in time I mentioned briefly in my first entry...I referred to it as "The April Visit".

Michael & I were pretty certain that this trip to the ole OB/GYN was sure to bring an acoustic explosion of a heartbeat...but...we were mistaken (we had to wait until next visit)...in fact, this turned out to be the "thorough exam" day! Surprise! And guess who got a front row ticket to the show... haha =) Some of you may think this a bit strange that Mike opted to stick around for my assessment, but those of you that know him... shouldn't be thinking twice!

So...as I'm settling back, feet in stirrups, I examined my audience...my doctor, my nurse, some random nurse that was in training & Mike. I try to relax & at this point...I can't even make eye contact w/ Mike or I'm going to lose it! Doc turns on his light & places it in position to begin his exam....& from the peanut gallery we all hear "Smile...you're on candid camera!", followed by laughter from everyone in the tiny little room that seemed to be collapsing on me due to embarrassment! Holding back my own laughter (& thoughts 'what an idiot'), I replied "oh that's Mike for ya...always a comedian!" It did however lighten the mood & the rest of the visit...joke was on him though...b/c as I mentioned before I think he may be scarred for life from witnessing his first woman's exam - haha! There's never a limit on how much preparation for November either of us can have!

PS...I'm wanting to put up more photos b/c I'm finding the blog a bit blah...but I will wait for future entries...as I don't believe this quite an appropriate subject for photos!


  1. I want to be the first to thank you for NOT posting photos. There's nothing quite as weird as a female exam. Now my stomach is turning at the thought of the sounds, eeeyuck!

  2. wow. that's still nothing compared to the delivery which I'm sure Mike will have a front row seat to, also. The Drs say that you have to wait 6 weeks after that to have relations. They say that is so you can heal. It's also to give the guy enough time to get that image out of his head!!
