
A Long December.

December?! Read on... Well the excitement of the 4th of July has sadly passed us by again...I think I can still smell the tinge of sulfur lingering in my nose though. I attended the Saturday in the Park music festival in Sioux City, IA w/ my parents and sister this year. I had attended before...a long long time ago...but very memorable, shows included Big Head Todd & the Monsters & Rita Marley on two separate occasions...& no beer garden appearances this year either =) Anyway, the weather was very disappointing to say the least on our day of independence, cool w/ rain...eventually clearing off w/ the element of humidity creeping in the air...but at least it wasn't a complete washout. Of course we get up there & after walking a huge hill from our parking spot (my sister Britt was impressed)...I was starved...haha, go figure! Oh & it was hot dog & popcorn & funnel cake heaven there =) Bad pregnant girl! Just kidding, I was good, well as good as you can be considering your options. But what did save the day, our friends, the Rubles from Holstein, were asked to be a vendor & share their amazing smoked BBQ this year! YES! So, we satisfied our appetites & found a place on the grass hill to plant it before the show. Oh...& the Counting Crows played. I was a little bummed about missing some of the other musical entertainement during the day, but definitely was anticipating some Mr. Jones. I had been looking forward to hearing these guys ever since I heard they were making an appearance...& baby & I weren't let down! Great show & they even did a rendition of The Beatles 'Somebody to Love' during the encore! Very cool. The evening ended w/ a fireworks display & then an hour drive home & then passing out b/c this ole girl just can't stay up late anymore! Overall, it was a great experience.


  1. Oh I love Saturday in the Park!! Glad you were able to enjoy the shows! It could have been 100 in the shade with 100% humidity:) Gosh I don't miss that kind of weather!! Glad you are feeling well and isn't the baby moving the most accelerating experience??

  2. Sat in the Park sounds like a lot of fun - and I also would have loved to see The Counting Crows! I love a lot of their songs - hopfully you still had a funnel cake along with the BBQ!

  3. Oh! I miss Saturday in the Park! I DO remember the year we all went up to see Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Jee-wiz it was hot that year. Yikes! Glad you had fun...and even happier that you had Rubles to feed you! YAHOO for good food. However, I would have also had to partake in the funnel cake on pure principle. Hope you are feeling well...love the belly pics!
