
3 Weeks To Go Baby!

I had my weekly checkup today. A couple days early, only because my Dr was going to be out of the office on my regular day Friday. I opted to come in a little earlier in the week rather than wait through the weekend =) All systems are normal. I am dilated between 1 & 2 cm this week. So, making some progress & still on target for 3 weeks out. I still, however, interpret 3 weeks as 3 minutes, I am chemically imbalanced, it's fine. I set up Baby S's bassinet yesterday...I wasn't exactly thrilled about a bassinet, but setting up a crib at this point was not going to happen in my space! It will be very cozy for him & comforting for me to have him closer =) There's not much else going on here, tired tired tired, thanks to the 37th week of pregnancy & the traditional turkey dinner (it's a Holstein thing) that we ate for dinner tonight (once again, sorry to rub it in Mike)...we still have pecan pie for you ;) I put our child into his first turkey coma, we should sleep well tonight!


I Left My Baby Girl in the Car!?!?

It's been quite interesting this weekend in Baby Schweitz's living quarters...they're definately getting smaller & smaller for him. And since I've started to feel contractions...I know it's gotta be taking a toll on the little man in there. Despite how close delivery day is, he is still pretty active...he shifts from the entire left side of my stomach to the right...causing some major baby lumping action. My entire right or left side protrudes way out to the side leaving the opposite side lonely & deflated. I may try to get a good photo, if possible, but when my camera isn't in reaching distance, by the time I get up, he's evened things back out. I've been up in Sioux Falls all weekend, hanging with Michael, Jolin & the kids. The ladies were out of town for Emily's Bachelorette Party in Omaha...fun fun!!! There were no boys allowed, so I couldn't go ;) Mike & I finally went to see Where The Wild Things Are...loved it!!! Such a great story & it was very interesting how they filled in the blanks from the book. Then later Saturday, we watched Iowa go 8-0! Awesome last minute & a half!

The first thing Ava did when I arrived was go right up to my belly, gave it a poke & asked if the Baby was awake =) She spent most of the weekend checking in on him & arguing with Mike that "there is a baby girl in there"...Mike was insisting it was a boy ;) Try to tell a 2 1/2 year old otherwise & you'll get another story! Haha. Since I'll be delivering in Sioux City & Mike will most likely be coming from Sioux Falls to meet me...my vehicle is already packed up with "my bag", carseat & other miscellaneous baby stuff, just in case of what might happen during the "going into labor drive" & my scatter-brained mind that will forget everything! And after Ava spotted the carseat in my car...

A: "...Leyna, you left your Baby in your car".

L: "What?! Ava, I think my Baby is still in my tummy...look (& pointed to my belly)".

A: "Noooo! Look! (& made me look out the window, pointing at the carseat in my car)".

L: "But Ava, I wouldn't leave my Baby in my car would I"?!

A: "Yes, your Baby is in the car"!

L: "Oh! Well thank you Ava, can you tell Mike to go get him out"?

A: "Yeah, Miiiiiiiiiiiiike"...

Haha...we had that conversation at least once a day! So, according to Ava...my Baby Girl is in my car.


Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Here is life this week, while we await for the arrival of Baby Schweitzberger.


Installing & Assembling.


Being a Mum.

Hydrating =)

Hydrating =(

Moving onto New Reading.

Documenting. This photo is for Libba. 'From the Bottom' of the Belly.


Jogging in 6 Months.

Michael & I tackled our first 'Assembly Required' project this weekend...successfully tackled, I should clarify. Now, "Putting the Crib Together Day" might be another story, but we are looking forward to the challenge! We, like most new parents, went into it like most do I'm assuming...fully caffeinated (not me, him), popping M&Ms (again, not me, him), consumed by excitement, making no effort to check for all parts or bothering to read directions, just pulling things outta the box like maniacs & attaching them where we thought most appropriate! Fun!!! I must note, he did most of the assembly while I sat back & "read" the directions to him...& when I say "read" I mean I stared at the words blankly, quickly losing focus only to check out the rainshield instead. Side note: those things creep me out, like you're putting your child in a plastic bag, ewww I don't like it. Mike had to point out the holes they provide to allow airflow...whatever, still freak me out. He also added that the rainshield is for when you're in cities...because it rains in cities...haha, apparently it doesn't rain in rural areas. He made me laugh. But, turns out we're the smartest people ever & the above photo illustrates our successfully put together end product! We love it! Michael, our bicycle enthusiast, immediately started sizing it up, letting me know where upgrades could be made ;) I, on the other hand, looked at the finished project & pictured my postpartum workout routine staring me in the face! Bummer, ugh! I'm thinking that the regime will need to be implemented far before 6 months, but at that point, little Baby Schweitz has a pretty cool chariot awaiting...with all of Dad's suped-up modifications ;) Happy Jogging!


On My Way To Ten =)

Just to clarify, yes, my title is referring to dilating. I recently visited my Doc & was informed that I am at 1cm. Only 9 more to go...& I'm anticipating how long it will take me. It's one of those 'wow! real moments' you have when you're pregnant...like when you see the first ultrasound or feel the first kicks...I am starting to dilate! This little fellow is seriously on his way! I really loved the reaction from Michael after my appointment when I told him I was at 1 & she shared with me she touched his head! What?! That was mind blowing to hear.

I sometimes go back & forth with how much information is too much information for my readers when blogging, but I figure, you either know exactly what the heck I'm talking about, or you can skip to the more humorous stuff, your choice =) Like I've mentioned before, this is a calming mechanism for me, so throwing this stuff out on the table eases my nerves.

So my 'Week of Organization' passed by quickly, & with progress. I feel like I now have a "baby space" at my parents for the time being. Baby clothes & other laundry is washed & ready for him to hop into. I still need to figure out what he's coming home in...& let me tell ya...this might tie the strategic planning of choosing a stroller! I can't have him looking like a dork his first debut as a baby in this big world. It can be rough, & it's my duty, as his mother, to start him off right. Ok, so I'm being a little dramatic about it, I just don't have anything chosen yet to throw him in. I did however get "My Bag" packed. I chose to capitalize My Bag b/c it's such a big deal, wow. This holds the most important things in the world for that period of time. So, with the help of Mike's lists he found on the internet of what to bring to the hospital, I have that baby ready!

I have to give a pre-thank-you-cards-Thank You to everyone who continue to send me gifts for the little man! Everyday I get cards, packages in the mail or something left on the back steps from the delivery man. It's so nice, & I'm humbled by everyone's generosity, really. And thanks from my parents too, their house is now not only looking like a Babies R Us store, it's more like a corporate warehouse =) They like it I think. They're gonna be pretty sad when all those unopened boxes are gone ;)

Well, other than those few happenings this week, I plan on spending the weekend with Michael, who has been working up in Sioux Falls for 2 weeks now & is coming to celebrate the 1cm! Just kidding, but we're getting really excited! I'm hoping to cheer on the Hawkeyes to their 7-0 record & later on, attend a friend's wedding. Hopefully we'll see some nice
Fall (sunshiny) weather! Next week I head back to the Dr, so I'll keep you posted.


Lucky Number 13.

Let me talk a little about this number for a bit. For you superstitious people out there...sorry about your luck...I happen to not be a very superstitious person, if at all. But, the number 13 became apparent to Michael & I the day we found out I was expecting. It was Friday the 13th (March). And ever since I was a child, Friday the 13th always brought on images of Freddy Kruger & Nightmare on Elm Street stuff...am I right?! Eek. But this Friday the 13th was a happy occasion! But then more 13s started turning up...my first Doctor appointment was April 13th, 40 weeks out was November 13th (another Friday mind you), 13, 13, 13...there were probably more, & it kind of weirded us out. But, I reassured myself I'm not a superstitious person & I wasn't going to start now. And now today, it happens to be October 13th as I'm blogging. And this just happens to be another very happy 13th day because it's my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary! 30 Years! I adore these two people, my parents, & I've always admired their commitment & marriage. Love you mom & dad, you're such an inspiration! Here's to another 30 years!!!

I've dubbed this week "Organization Week". After my baby shower, there's now an increased amount of baby stuff, everywhere...& it started to make me feel very VERY unorganized! And before I let another ounce of anxiety slip in, I have to get something done about it. Starting with baby laundry. I asked my mom last night as I was folding load #3, if I would probably ever be as enthused to do laundry for my child...haha probably not was her response. I guess I'll just have to suck it up for about 6 months or so until he starts doing it on his own. =) Laundry is just the beginning of my organization marathon...I made a city run yesterday for some necessities...bras that fit =) including a nursing bra (fun things), exchange some baby bottles (Avent, that now I find out from my friend Allie, leak & are junk) - I'll deal with that later, I have to organize toys, hygiene products, clothes, towels, burp clothes, bibs, etc etc (yeah I sound a bit OCD don't I), do my own laundry, find warmer clothes as it's officially Fall weather/borderline Winter around here, and so on. I could go on, but I already lost the list that I made last night...ha!

I told Michael on the phone last night that I typed out directions from both Holstein & Sioux Falls, including a map & alternate directions (just in case), some listed 'reminders' of what to do & important phone numbers for him & mom/dad. He straight up laughed at me & I can only imagine what was going through his head....wow, she's officially gone off the reservation (is probably the nicer way to put it)! What can I say, I'm a prepper, & this is where Mike & I differ, because he's such a 'go with the flow' guy to say the least. Organization (aka some control) is the best way for me to battle my consistent anxiety, I can't just pop a lorazapam people! And I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably going to have to have the "chill out" meds once I hit the hospital! Well, I better stop avoiding all my responsibilities & cross some off my list. I will keep everyone posted, as I have another checkup appointment this Friday, & it may determine some impending questions...because after that I head back EVERY week!

Thanks to my cousin Donna for bringing back a miniature sombrero from her recent trip to Mexico for Baby Schweitz! Haha!


Baby Shower.

Today was the shower for our little guy!!! There was such a great turnout & I couldn't ask for better family & friends! So many fun things gifted for Baby Schweitz...my house now looks like Babies R Us threw up all over =) So great & I can't wait to dress my baby up & play with all of his fun stuff! If you can't tell... this has led to some much growing gRoWiNG EXCITEMENT! Much thanks from us three to all of those who made the trip (some through the 1st snow for the season!), sent their best wishes & gifts! We appreciate you all & can't wait to introduce our baby boy in 3 to 6 weeks...that's the window I'm giving myself!!! Here are some photos from the day...


Painted Toes & Explicit Video.

Ahhh painted toes...a luxury these days...I had the opportunity to get a pedicure with friends this evening & I jumped on it. So, it was nice to have painted toes again, because there's no way in my current world that I'm reaching down & doing it myself! Not an option. I've dangled the idea in front of Mike, but he doesn't seem too interested! Ok, enough of that, it's just toes.

So, since having to watch childbirth videos a week ago, I have been haunted by the images of such women's laborings. It's part of my obnoxious growing anxiousness I know...& I know I just need to chill, but I have a lot of time on my hands during the days & it just happens. I'll be enjoying a nice bowl of soup for lunch, only to be interrupted by a flashback of those dang explicit (as I will dub them) videos in my head! It's quite disturbing. And then it got me wondering (after Libba commented on it also) about who the heck these women are that allow their labor to be used for these educational videos...to be shown to millions of other people. They have a very intense love for education I'm assuming. We learned that they do not allow video to be taken during our own labors at the hospital we'll be delivering at. Disappointing to Michael. Extremely acceptable to me! I do not need my business on video...let alone my business as it looks like when you give birth!!! Like I've mentioned before, I do not plan on watching this! We can, however, video up until the pushing & after, but not during the actual labor. I know plenty of people do this & they get to remember the sounds of their wailing child as he/she take his/her first breaths, but...I assume my kid will give me enough of that once I take him home. Plus, if we could video the entire labor, I have a fear that someone will be roaming through our photos in the camera someday, hit play, & there ya go, my world exposed in a very vulnerable state. Inevitably, scaring the bejezus out of whomever was stupid enough to hit play. But, thanks to hospital policy, I have no worries of this. And now I have gone on way too much about this, so thanks for just rolling with it. Typing helps me chillax. I should really pick up a hobby like knitting or something. With all the time I have on my hands, everyone who reads my blog could probably have a scarf coming their way! We'll see...


Baby Belly.

We Love You Baby!!!


I Need A Massage, A Wax & Some Slippers!

I'm sorry...but this is what my life needs right now...I can't see around, over or under this baby belly & I can't soothe my back enough these days! This 'Doctor appointment every 2 weeks' thing is starting to speed things up into crazy fast mode! We went again this last Friday for a checkup & things are moving along as planned still, so thumbs up. I am, however, measuring 34 weeks. And if you reference my bottle ticker up there, I'm 33 weeks towards my due date, so 7 weeks away in my mind translates into 2 weeks, which is like only a couple of days...so things are gonna start crack-a-lackin here real soon! I have an approximate 5 lb Baby inside my belly according to my Doc & he's in good position aka head down feet up! Good lil man...he's so smart =)

Michael & I had the privelege of attending a Childbirth Prep Class this weekend also. We opted for the 'express' version of this little treat instead of the extended monthly classes, which I'm (& I know Mike is) thankful for doing. This riveting 6 hour excursion was semi-informative I suppose. I spent most of our time sitting through lecture having an anxiety attack, almost to tears on several occasions & Michael made jokes mostly. But...I know he did absorb a lot, even repeating information later that night & next day =) We toured the hospital where I'll be delivering & that was very encouraging...yet still extended more anxiety-inducing thoughts at the same time. I kept picturing myself up on that delivery table, throwing ice chips across the room like a maniac, screaming profanities...etc...& then I'd snap out of my daydream & give Michael a sweet innocent smile =) This is going to be fun! We ended our educational experience with videos...yes conveniently they saved the best for last! We settled into our seats to await the big show...& it was at this point where Mike got a little squirmy, asking if we could just leave...this was the only thing that has made him freak a little (haha), ok maybe more than a little. But, I reassured him he needed to watch this, while secretly, I was questioning if I was going to be able to keep lunch down! I'm not gonna lie, I walked outta there feeling rather uneasy. I am not planning on watching my own delivery & wasn't impressed on having to watch several ladies from the early 90s deliver theirs. I suppose the early 90s setting did add some humor to all of this...I sometimes focused more on mom & dad's matching mullets than the action 'down below'...but I thought, whatever works to get me through this! All in all, Daddy & I survived & I'm proudly displaying our 'certificate' of completion in Baby Schweitz's baby book.

Speaking of...my mother gave me great little baby book to get started on before I forget all my memories of being pregnant. Of course, I've already completed all the pages I can for the time being, as the rest of them do require our little turkey to be born before I record such memories.

So, I am going to have to come up with new hobbies to keep me occupied throughout my days for the time-being. Michael has taken a job in Sioux Falls & starts Monday (tomorrow)! He's very excited about going back to work! And those of you who just laughed at that last statement...this is a good thing...work is a great thing right now =) And until we find a place to live there, he'll be in Sioux Falls & I'll remain in Holstein. Which has led us to start talking "game plan"...because remember I mentioned the 7 weeks left...once again, if I think in shorter terms (2 weeks) it may speed up this process - hopefully! Of course, it's not ideal for us to be apart right now, but he has got a good job opp & up until this last week, we were planning on settling in Holstein. Our plans seemed to change weekly, so this is a good thing although somewhat sucky since we're both bummed about being 2 hours away from each other. And a good thing because now we have a focal point & a goal to get a place to live asap! Then mama can go into super-psycho get the baby room ready mode! Yay!

Well, that's the update, hopefully more news to come soon!


Inside All of Us...

...is a Wild Thing.

So Michael & I are completely obsessed...obsessed! About the release of Where The Wild Things Are! It comes to the big screen October 16th & we're practically standing in line for tickets already & Mike's got me online looking for Max the wolf costumes for our son...haha! Check out the trailer below if you already haven't...& if you have, watch it again! Yay!