
On My Way To Ten =)

Just to clarify, yes, my title is referring to dilating. I recently visited my Doc & was informed that I am at 1cm. Only 9 more to go...& I'm anticipating how long it will take me. It's one of those 'wow! real moments' you have when you're pregnant...like when you see the first ultrasound or feel the first kicks...I am starting to dilate! This little fellow is seriously on his way! I really loved the reaction from Michael after my appointment when I told him I was at 1 & she shared with me she touched his head! What?! That was mind blowing to hear.

I sometimes go back & forth with how much information is too much information for my readers when blogging, but I figure, you either know exactly what the heck I'm talking about, or you can skip to the more humorous stuff, your choice =) Like I've mentioned before, this is a calming mechanism for me, so throwing this stuff out on the table eases my nerves.

So my 'Week of Organization' passed by quickly, & with progress. I feel like I now have a "baby space" at my parents for the time being. Baby clothes & other laundry is washed & ready for him to hop into. I still need to figure out what he's coming home in...& let me tell ya...this might tie the strategic planning of choosing a stroller! I can't have him looking like a dork his first debut as a baby in this big world. It can be rough, & it's my duty, as his mother, to start him off right. Ok, so I'm being a little dramatic about it, I just don't have anything chosen yet to throw him in. I did however get "My Bag" packed. I chose to capitalize My Bag b/c it's such a big deal, wow. This holds the most important things in the world for that period of time. So, with the help of Mike's lists he found on the internet of what to bring to the hospital, I have that baby ready!

I have to give a pre-thank-you-cards-Thank You to everyone who continue to send me gifts for the little man! Everyday I get cards, packages in the mail or something left on the back steps from the delivery man. It's so nice, & I'm humbled by everyone's generosity, really. And thanks from my parents too, their house is now not only looking like a Babies R Us store, it's more like a corporate warehouse =) They like it I think. They're gonna be pretty sad when all those unopened boxes are gone ;)

Well, other than those few happenings this week, I plan on spending the weekend with Michael, who has been working up in Sioux Falls for 2 weeks now & is coming to celebrate the 1cm! Just kidding, but we're getting really excited! I'm hoping to cheer on the Hawkeyes to their 7-0 record & later on, attend a friend's wedding. Hopefully we'll see some nice
Fall (sunshiny) weather! Next week I head back to the Dr, so I'll keep you posted.

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