
I Left My Baby Girl in the Car!?!?

It's been quite interesting this weekend in Baby Schweitz's living quarters...they're definately getting smaller & smaller for him. And since I've started to feel contractions...I know it's gotta be taking a toll on the little man in there. Despite how close delivery day is, he is still pretty active...he shifts from the entire left side of my stomach to the right...causing some major baby lumping action. My entire right or left side protrudes way out to the side leaving the opposite side lonely & deflated. I may try to get a good photo, if possible, but when my camera isn't in reaching distance, by the time I get up, he's evened things back out. I've been up in Sioux Falls all weekend, hanging with Michael, Jolin & the kids. The ladies were out of town for Emily's Bachelorette Party in Omaha...fun fun!!! There were no boys allowed, so I couldn't go ;) Mike & I finally went to see Where The Wild Things Are...loved it!!! Such a great story & it was very interesting how they filled in the blanks from the book. Then later Saturday, we watched Iowa go 8-0! Awesome last minute & a half!

The first thing Ava did when I arrived was go right up to my belly, gave it a poke & asked if the Baby was awake =) She spent most of the weekend checking in on him & arguing with Mike that "there is a baby girl in there"...Mike was insisting it was a boy ;) Try to tell a 2 1/2 year old otherwise & you'll get another story! Haha. Since I'll be delivering in Sioux City & Mike will most likely be coming from Sioux Falls to meet me...my vehicle is already packed up with "my bag", carseat & other miscellaneous baby stuff, just in case of what might happen during the "going into labor drive" & my scatter-brained mind that will forget everything! And after Ava spotted the carseat in my car...

A: "...Leyna, you left your Baby in your car".

L: "What?! Ava, I think my Baby is still in my tummy...look (& pointed to my belly)".

A: "Noooo! Look! (& made me look out the window, pointing at the carseat in my car)".

L: "But Ava, I wouldn't leave my Baby in my car would I"?!

A: "Yes, your Baby is in the car"!

L: "Oh! Well thank you Ava, can you tell Mike to go get him out"?

A: "Yeah, Miiiiiiiiiiiiike"...

Haha...we had that conversation at least once a day! So, according to Ava...my Baby Girl is in my car.

1 comment:

  1. Ava is freaking adorable, she better get used to the idea of another boy! I have a feeling that she will be able to rule the roost with all these little guys under her thumb!
