
Painted Toes & Explicit Video.

Ahhh painted toes...a luxury these days...I had the opportunity to get a pedicure with friends this evening & I jumped on it. So, it was nice to have painted toes again, because there's no way in my current world that I'm reaching down & doing it myself! Not an option. I've dangled the idea in front of Mike, but he doesn't seem too interested! Ok, enough of that, it's just toes.

So, since having to watch childbirth videos a week ago, I have been haunted by the images of such women's laborings. It's part of my obnoxious growing anxiousness I know...& I know I just need to chill, but I have a lot of time on my hands during the days & it just happens. I'll be enjoying a nice bowl of soup for lunch, only to be interrupted by a flashback of those dang explicit (as I will dub them) videos in my head! It's quite disturbing. And then it got me wondering (after Libba commented on it also) about who the heck these women are that allow their labor to be used for these educational videos...to be shown to millions of other people. They have a very intense love for education I'm assuming. We learned that they do not allow video to be taken during our own labors at the hospital we'll be delivering at. Disappointing to Michael. Extremely acceptable to me! I do not need my business on video...let alone my business as it looks like when you give birth!!! Like I've mentioned before, I do not plan on watching this! We can, however, video up until the pushing & after, but not during the actual labor. I know plenty of people do this & they get to remember the sounds of their wailing child as he/she take his/her first breaths, but...I assume my kid will give me enough of that once I take him home. Plus, if we could video the entire labor, I have a fear that someone will be roaming through our photos in the camera someday, hit play, & there ya go, my world exposed in a very vulnerable state. Inevitably, scaring the bejezus out of whomever was stupid enough to hit play. But, thanks to hospital policy, I have no worries of this. And now I have gone on way too much about this, so thanks for just rolling with it. Typing helps me chillax. I should really pick up a hobby like knitting or something. With all the time I have on my hands, everyone who reads my blog could probably have a scarf coming their way! We'll see...


  1. I am pretty sure some people have came across kye's birth on our camera...but hey...who cares! i think i deserve a medal for pushing that kid out after 4 hours of pushing. i am so happy we did it and wish we could have gotten ava's on video...its an amazing miracle and i say do it! i have a tripod if you need it =)

  2. We can't...don't even give that tripod to Mike...haha! And I know he's stumbled across the afterbirth photo...he reminds me of the 'murder scene' he compares it to all the time! Now I know it's not pleasant, but I wouldn't go that far! Ha...sorry for those of you reading my comments! But you definately deserve the proud moments it gave you Liz!!!

  3. Too funny, girls! I say leave the tripod at home! :) The pics are great reminders, the camcorded moment might be too much of a reminder to even let you consider baby number 2! :) I suggest knitting....
