
A Blog A Day...

...obviously keeps the contractions away! Ha. I've been trying to post a daily entry just so I can remember what the heck I was up to prior to going into labor. Although my days aren't amounting to too much diversity, every once in a while there's something new & exciting thrown into the mix. For the most part, it's been pretty mellow.

Today was one of those days that had something different thrown into the mix... I had a much needed visit by my friend Alyssa who happened to be home visiting her family. She grew up & her family still resides close to Holstein, but she now lives down in Kansas City with her fiance. We have been completely deprived of each other for too long of a period, sad. So, we spent hours this afternoon catching up on everything! We were college roomies & former employees together up in Okoboji. On top of the new news in our lives, we had a blast revisiting some of the hilarious moments we shared just a few years back! I, of course, gushed on how excited I am about being a mama & she shared details of her wedding she's planning for next Fall. She laughed at my belly & I complimented the giant rock on her ring finger...oh my, gorgeous! This also diverted the violence that surely would've prevailed if I had been watching the rest of the Hawkeye game too...bummer. I need to relax & watching that hot mess probably wouldn't have been too calming. So, it was a great afternoon & so happy she came to visit!!!

I still can't believe how close I am to having this little turkey! What...11 days says the All Mighty Ticker?! Staying home & not seeing Mike as much, especially on the weekends has been hard. Not that I have to stay home, but I don't know if I trust traveling solo anymore. Michael has been working really hard up in Sioux Falls & for the most part, I believe, has been really enjoying it. He's even working this entire weekend (thanks to the weather, insert fist shaking & scowl)...I wanted to bribe him with what I define as a nice Saturday night (chicken wings, priceless face time with me & an 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' marathon), but thought I'd better just let it go. =) Haha. He is working hard & I appreciate all he's doing! This weekend will probably be finished off by being lazy, laughing at the Snuggie commercials & continuing to fight my cold! Drag. Mike did tell me today I didn't sound as nasally, so maybe it's already starting to get better =)

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