
Dear Daddy. Love Oliver & Mommy.

Michael had to head back to Sioux Falls yesterday for work. =( I know it broke his heart to leave his little baby & it made me sad to have to say goodbye for a week. We are going to make the best of it though!

So Daddy, this is for you =) We wanted to share our day with you...we miss you & can't wait to see you on Friday!

His faces crack me up...learning how to work our facial muscles =)

Love you Daddy.


  1. I know this post was for Mike, but.... lovin all the pictures of your cutie! I just love his 'lil nose!! Is that wierd?

  2. That was the sweetest ever! And he keeps getting cuter every day! I was wondering how the time apart would be...I am sure it is killing Daddy Mike, as well as Mama and Olly! So here's to hoping you can all be back together very soon!
