
Happy Daylight Savings!

Everyone has such fun Halloween posts, I felt like I needed to add something about the eventful weekend, mine, however, just wasn't as Halloween eventful, but here goes. Since our little spook decided that my belly was where he was staying this Halloween, trick-or-treating wasn't on the agenda, we'll wait til next year I suppose ;) And since my energy levels these days are running very low, I didn't partake in any costume-wearing fun either. I couldn't quite decide between the Grinch Who Stole Candy From Little Kids (more fitting to my mood) or the Devil Wears Prego (could also be very fitting for my mood). Haha. It was too much of a toss up, so I opted out. But I did get out & about a little...I went over to my friends, Matt & Allie's, & helped them hand out a little candy to all the little munchkins running around town. After that, I spent some time at my cousin Emily & James's for a little get-together...made it out til about 10:30 pM. Whoa, I know! The weekend weather was fabulous...so it looked...I didn't really get out to enjoy it but admired it from the comfy couch/bed/pillow fort I had set up next to the window =) It was a very relaxing weekend, with the exception of the near stress-induced labor our good ole Hawkeyes about caused me! I celebrated the 9-0 record with a hypethetical margarita on the rocks! It was great. And while everyone was out celebrating what I used to revel in, an extra hour to stay out for daylight savings, I was now celebrating it as an extra hour to stay snuggled up in bed =) Enough on the weekend, I'm now looking forward to Wednesday, my next Doctor visit!!! Crossing my fingers that delivery day is closer than close! I'm ready if you can't tell =) I will keep you posted!

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