
One Week Old.

Today, I kept thinking back one week ago & what I was doing...Oliver & I were up around 3:30aM this morning & I told him this was about the time he started deciding last week he was ready to come! My cousin Emily, due in December with her first baby, came over tonight with my Aunt Kathy to meet Olly. It was fun to share "my story" with them & answer questions she has. I think...one week ago, that was me with all the questions. I know she'll have a great labor & delivery too...no worries =)

Mr. Oliver had a busy day today. He had his first outing also! Soon followed by his second. First, we bundled up & headed to the nursing home in town here to meet Great Grandpa Leon. We had a nice visit & it was fun to see Grandpa hold his first Great Grandchild! We then came home for some lunch & got ready for his first checkup...

When we left the hospital our little guy weighed 5lbs11oz (note he weighed 6lbs1oz at birth)...and today our big guy weighed 6lbs5oz! He's healthy as a horse =) Big relief too, not that I was worried about anything, but as a first time mom there's so much I think about & it's relieving to here from the doctor that everything looks great! Here are photos from Oliver's big day. And we also had a bath. I've come to the conclusion that this kid doesn't like any activities that involve him being naked...news to a mother's ears =) Haha.

I've also included some other family photos that we've had over the past week! He has so many proud loving family members...the holidays will be so much fun sharing Olly with them! Can't wait.

Mama & her Oliver...don't have many of these...I'm always snapping them!

Cousin Emily...expecting Olly's playmate in December.

I hate all the pictures...please stop!!! Haha.

Uncle Taylor.

"Aunt" Hill.

Cousin Eric...do you recall the entry where I shared the story of cousin Eric contributing to the list of potential names...well Oliver was on his list! Nice work!

Papa Hanny (the 2nd). My cousins & I called Olly's Great Gpa "Papa Hanny" when we were young...well, we still do ;)

Great Grandma Verna.

Proud Aunt Brittany.

Great Aunt Kathy.

Great Grandpa Leon.

Great Grandma & Grandpa Ehler.


  1. Oliver is so lucky to be surrounded by such an amazing family, Leyna! You don't know how truly blessed you both are! And P.S. I cannot believe how big your boobs are. Everyone in my office was like, "Whoa! Look at those!" and then Tara, who's expecting in December was like, "I hope mine get that big!" Ha!

  2. Tell Tara that if she's planning on nursing...this is what "when your milk comes in" looks like. A bit out of control! I felt like I was growing by the second...yikes.

  3. I love all the pics-what a great family! Also what a great job you are doing, Mama Leyna! Growing like a weed!
