
Sick Mama.

So, I just about made it through my entire pregnancy without catching the cold or flu bug...but like a freight train...it hit me late last night! I really tried my best...incessantly washing my hands, chicken noodle soup, flu & H1N1 vaccinations, OJ, and even holding myself hostage in my house despite the great Fall weather we're experiencing! And I hate holding myself hostage & withdrawling socially because I don't want to catch anything...but some people just aren't smart about removing themselves from public venues when they themselves or their kids are sick! I mention this based on an experience last week, as I witnessed a young child vomit all over in the resturant I was sitting at. Really?! Not only is watching someone vomit all over disturbing, but I couldn't help but wonder what I was contracting due to this explosion of germs & sickness all over the place?! Anyway, after speaking with my Doctor's office this morning, I've established a regime of defense. Guess I'm back to being a homebody...pouring in the vitamin C...relaxing...& hoping I do not get any worse!!! On the other hand...Baby must be feeling good in there because he's a moving machine, all up in my ribs, just loving life! Oh I can't wait to see him!!! =) Here's to you & your families taking care & staying healthy!

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