
Might As Well Be Walking on the Sun!

I am referring to the intensity of the sun here in CO...there's more that comes with this elevation than just snow ;)  I feel like I'm five feet from that thing when I step outside...I was never an avid sunscreen user until now!  If I don't I will permanently have a sweet farmers tan that is in no way flattering!  Speaking of wanting to step outside...I had another incident that caused me to not want to step outside for a while.  The other day as Oliver and I were on our usual walking path, we were passing the little park & I noticed a new unfamiliar sign had been posted.  Curious because I'm pretty sure I saw a picture of a wild animal on it...so I strolled us over to check it out & this is what I had to attend to now...

Friggin Mountain Lions!

Yes, these cute kitties have been spotted in our area...to what extent & exactly where...I don't know, but it was enough information for me to get the heck outta there!  But not before I read how to defend yourself & your children in case you had one hot on your case!  I now feared the mountain lion & as I'm trying to get us back on track...my fear turned to goosebumps & then a little bit of nauseousness & then back to fear as a snake slithered over my feet.  Ugh!  Time to get back home!!!  Our walk back was a little more amped up, quicker-paced & a lot more paranoid.  I let my fear take over & spent the next couple very nice days in doors being a scaredy cat!  I have since faced the fears & Oliver & I resumed our walks, but since I don't believe I'm a very lucky person, I make sure to attach eyes to the back of my head.  And today, as I blog & Oliver sleeps in the bicycle trailer, it marks my first ride with him attached to my bike, instead of Daddy's.  It didn't last long, not because it's hard, but because I was so nervous it wasn't attached right & he was going to become unattached & fly off into the street.  I know!  Horrible thought, but I was once again being Narotic New Mommy!  Besides me checking the clamp a million times, it was a great little time! 

I have to thank our friend Libba South (she just recently became a South...I'm not quite used to it, but it has such a ring).  Anyway, I do need to thank her for Oliver's new favorite obsession!  Baby Einstein Octopus...that thing sings & speaks in 3 different languages.  I suppose the three language option does help in relieving some of the annoyance of hearing the same songs over & over & over & over again, but nonetheless =)...thanks Libba!  There is an OFF option, but we love how excited he gets when he hasn't played with him for about 5 minutes!     

Naked Octopus Jumping Time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the Annoying Octopus! Bleu. Bleu. Bleu. Jaune. Jaune. Jaune. Vert. Vert. Vert.
