
Seven. Mo.

Oliver Grows.
Two teeth have sprouted...& hopefully a little break in the process (I officially dub the teething process the most painful thing since pre-epidural labor...ouch).
Sitting up without support!
Strong legs...gotta love those Hanson legs!
Hair is finally growing in...fun fluffy baby hair.
Taking part in more independent play time...but he still loves his Mama right close =)
Loves swinging in the swing at the park...good thing Gma & Gpa Hanny live so close to the park in Holstein ;)
Loves a variety of foods...so far...
sweet potatoes
next week...green beans!
I love watching him try a new flavor...he has mastered the "MmmMmmmmm" after he takes a bite!
Enjoys...or tolerates hiking with Mom & Dad.
Cruises the floor by rolling all over...& finding things he should not be getting into...& it starts!
Cruises on his tummy backwards...it's not quite a crawl or a scoot...so we'll see where this goes...
Is finally old enough to wear sunscreen...big whoop...but it is...because before I was so afraid about taking him out in the sunshine...& I DO NOT want to live through the repercussions of a sunburnt baby! Youch for all of us!
So interactive with playing, "talking" & paying attention to everything Mom & Dad do...& eat...he looks at you with those longing eyes saying "please can I have a bite of your cheeseburger...pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase".  Aww.
Is becoming quite the comedian or at least knows how to lighten the mood in a tense moment...let me indulge you in a story to back up my claim...
We were sitting at the DMV a couple weeks back for what seemed like half a day, Michael was determined to get his driver's license...& you know how everyone around the DMV are...moody.  Either because they're working & apparently it's the most miserable job in the world (idk) or when you take your number, it's 85 & they're serving number 19.  It was in a sweet little mall (not really) but Oliver & I ventured around checking out Hot Topic & the Hallmark store anyway.  When we came back to check on Daddy...they were still serving number 19, so we toured off again, bought some exciting burp rags, went back again...still 19...seriously?!  By this time O was hungry so we found some plush seating in the middle of the mall & I fed him.  This time when we went back, Mike was still sitting in the same spot & I don't even think I looked to see what number they were on.  So exactly how it goes there...frustrating.  We found a seat next to Daddy & we're there for 30 seconds & Oliver rips the biggest juiciest belch ever!  I checked my shoulder & everyone around us cracked up...& you know just before that they were scowling & about ready to pull their hair out.  I'm glad our little man is funny & he knows it too because he laughed at himself =)
Loves being outdoors!
Refuses to have his diaper changed laying on his back...once that diaper is off, he flips to his tummy...so instead of an unnecessary fight...I have mastered the diaper change on his tummy.
Tries very hard & is so close to getting up on those knees into a crawl position.
Gives the most heartbreaking smiles...this is going to wreak havoc in the future for sure ;)
Hates to end bathtime...he would stay in there for hours, but c'mon he can only go so far without that little weiner going off...I'm sure I don't catch it as often as it happens!
He knows his Daddy as 'the morning man'.  He knows when Daddy's up, so he will wake up & if Michael doesn't pick him up while he's getting ready, Oliver gets sad & cries...it's really sweet...& heartbreaking at the same time.
...and he knows Mama as...the funniest person ever in this world =)  I really am, so there's no surprise there. Ha!
His well check appointment is set up for tomorrow...so I will have to come back & update his stats for ya.  We were off a month with the move, so his six.mo checkup is really happening this month.  I can't wait to see what our little sack of tatoes weighs...we don't own a scale & I'm a horrible judge, so I am excited to hear how much he has grown...because we can obviously see how much he has!
We love you our little explorer man!

...friday 6.11.10 back with stats...
height. 27 3/4 in
weight. 18lbs13oz
all systems go!

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